
yesterday was the last day on my rail pass. today is the first on my new one!
depart for Fukuoka this evening, and tomorrow at 6AM it’s onwards to tokyo and the christine that awaits us!

when we went to get tickets yesterday. to get from hakata to tokyo, you take two trains: one from hakata to osaka, and the other from osaka to tokyo.

we tried to get seats on the 6AM train from hakata to osaka but were told the reserved seats were full. we ended up with tickets on the 9AM train, since the 7AM was also full. okay. fine.

we got back in line because we wanted to get our return tickets for monday too.

i decided to ask about getting tickets for the train from osaka to tokyo that meets the 6AM hakata osaka train (we could always try and get un-reserved seats). anyway, the woman handed us reserved seats for both trains – the 6AM one too! she said they’re not together though (um, we’re in the same row on either aisle). so we figure that the first guy didn’t know how to say “no seats together” so just said “no seats” instead. hrmph.

this blog entry is very confusing. i’m very tired. i’m sure tomorrow’s 6AM train ride will perk me right up!

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