There`s sushi in Japan? No way!
Turns out that sushi, at a proper sushi restaurant is really expensive. Normally they wont even have prices on the menu.
That`s probably why it took Lori and I more than a week before we had it – we mainly ate at restaurants/in areas that the book recommended, and then chose those on the less expensive side of things. Finally we gave into the temptation when we were right near one of the recommended places in Tokyo and it was amazing. And expensive.
Anyways, back to my story. Where was I? Yeah, sushi places are expensive.
So normal people go to Kaiten sushi restaurants – conveyor belt sushi places. Its still good, and way cheaper. One we went to awhile ago for dinner was totally kid friendly – some of the plates had cute sushi characters on them, and those were the kids stuff — no wasabi. And they had a light up wheel that would spin every five plates you ate and you could win a toy.
Its not a new thing for me – I’ve had conveyor belt sushi in London and San Francisco (though I don’t think it was cheap). But I must admit that I never really thought taking plates of a conveyor belt to be an authentic Japanese way of eating my sushi meal. So now I know it is.
As a side note: I still get a kick out of the way kids eat here. I mean, yesterday at the aquarium you could hear little kids pointing at things and saying `Oishi` (=yummy). You have gotta love that.