i’m unpacking
i am the worst packer ever. after 5 years in a coop program where i moved every four months, and several travel adventures you’d think packing for 10 days of heat would be a piece of cake. no worries about rain or cold, you know?
but it’s not.
time to pull stuff out. i suspected 14 skirts might be a few too many. sigh.
August 2nd, 2007 at 9:58 pm
I second that…the absolute worst … And 2:30 AM the nite before is not the time to start searching for things you need. Just in case you were wondering what else to work on.
Sorry….you asked for it…Happy Trails
August 6th, 2007 at 2:58 pm
Somehow, when I moved to Krakow, I weeded out all of my casual summer pants and gave them away to Goodwill. And instead brought 57 sweater