Archive for the 'nerd stuff' Category


Monday, March 31st, 2008

yesterday night i discovered that the glass on my lens filter is totally cracked. what’s weird is i have NO idea how it happened. and since it doesn’t seem to be screwed in properly, i can’t get it off either. sigh. i guess that means a field trip to henry’s!

An open letter to Rachael Ray

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Dear Rachael, I watch your show each morning while I run on the treadmill at the gym. Your upbeat personality is generally a cheerful way to start the day, and I enjoy getting recipe ideas for that night’s dinner. Monday was an exception. You gave your audience members an HD Tuner Stick with a cute […]

gadgets for girls

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

I am a girl. I like technology. It’s frustrating when companies think that all they need to do to make a product appealing to a woman is paint it pink. There’s way more to it than that. It’s nice to read about some companies that seem to finally be getting it. One of my favourite […]


Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

i’m a huge fan of puns, so when i saw the term nodcast i figured someone was talking about a boring podcast. nope, turns out nodcasts are no joke at all! in fact they’re quite clever. i think i might download one to see what it’s about. but i’m not sure what travelodge is getting […]


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

At the end of last year, Baron and I each invested in a new toy. So, this year, in an attempt to take more pictures and learn new tricks, Baron and I decided to start a “project 365” where we take a picture a day. But, as baron points out the “problem is, we’re both […]

how jenny got her groove back

Monday, January 7th, 2008

i am with tunes. after spending two weeks with only 4 gigs of music (thanks to my mom for lending me her nano) i knew it wasn’t sustainable. yes, i had checked the gym before i left, but the staff person i checked with was a substitute (the actual staff was on vacation) and couldn’t […]

new toys

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

i finally did it and got myself a DSLR. [many] pictures to follow…

why i am technically challenged

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

as you’ve realized, my parents are in China. so I’ve taken over their house. there’s no food in the fridge, no annex fun in walking distance, nor are my super awesome parents around to talk to. so, you ask, why am i here? that’s easy! dad got a new TV. yes, we’ve entered the 21st […]

facebook and willpower

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

i like facebook too much. so last week i decided i would not login to facebook from work anymore. this has worked pretty well so far. yes, i get an occasional email letting me know about a message or comment on a photo. and until today i’ve been okay with that. (side note: i don’t […]


Monday, April 16th, 2007

i have a pending facebook request from my friend’s dog. i just rejected it. while numbers are important to me, even i have my limits.