Archive for the 'wordpress' Category


Thursday, September 16th, 2010

as i’ve mentioned, updating my site yesterday was more painful than it could have been. i’m going to document some of my mistakes so that if folks google something about updating from wordpress 2.0.X to 3.0.1 they might find this helpful. I’m using a click through for the body of the post because it’s long, […]

all better

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

i decided i wanted to be able to keep a reading log as a “sub-blog” since i have a hard time keeping track of what i’ve read and it’s only getting worse with age. that was pretty easy to configure using wordpress, but when looking at the API i realized how out of date my […]

Worst Geek Ever

Friday, January 12th, 2007

Today at work Baron kindly pointed out to me that my blog wasn’t working. I checked the site, and it worked fine for me. But then I checked again and got errors too. What ever could be wrong? Well, I consulted with my resident experts, and they both said it was the phpconfig. PHP Config? […]


Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Can anyone recommend a good technorati tagging plugin for WordPress? Thanks muchly! Edit: Technorati is driving me mad!!! Why won’t it see my tags? Maybe registering will help…Technorati Profile

My 3 WordPress Problems

Saturday, December 17th, 2005

Getting this site to this point hasn’t been that difficult given the vast amount of resources there are online, and the awesome people I have to ask my questions to. There have been three things that I’ve had trouble with that were really simple to solve, but hard (and time consuming) to diagnose. I’m documenting […]