Feedback is fun!

November 13th, 2009

Got a super nice note from the organizer of yesterday’s event.

Hi Jen,
Thank you so much for your “my life” talk today. You were fantastic!
I flipped through about half of the stack of evaluation surveys. For the
question about “What things did you like most about the day”, I noticed
three girls that listed your talk as the first (or only) thing.

I intended to thank you by giving you a T-shirt but somehow that just
got lost in the shuffle. I’m sorry. Maybe you would be willing to come
again next spring and get a T-shirt then 🙂 I don’t want to presume
that you have time available, but we would love to have you anytime.


Kinda bummed I didn’t get a t-shirt (don’t worry – emailed back to see if I can pick one up!) but at least I did a good job so I can go back in the spring! Yahoo!

Another day, another opportunity

November 12th, 2009

Today I am going to U of T campus to talk to the group of young women who are participating in the Gr8 Designs for Gr8 Girls workshop.

Super exciting to tell them all about being a software developer (*not* programmer) and to help break down the gender stereotypes that exist around my profession.

Should be fun trying to keep 40 13 year olds entertained for 10 minutes. And no charts allowed. Can’t hardly wait!

ECOO 2009

November 11th, 2009

Today I presented a workshop at ECOO 2009.

You can see the details of the outreach we do on the Teaching With Scratch website. Please pass along to any teachers that you know who might be interested!


November 10th, 2009

Today’s blog posting will be short and to the point: I have a headcold.

Good thing I have lots of tea to make me better. (And pills. And nose spray.)

See you tomorrow!

Tea Time

November 9th, 2009

I have a sweet tooth that I try not to indulge. So one of my favourite things to finish a meal with is a cup of (sweet! herbal! dessert!) tea.

My dessert tea of choice had been celestial Seasoning’s English Toffee tea. I was running low, but none of the grocery stores I frequent seemed to have it in stock.

This weekend I found it in a heathfood store but couldn’t resist picking up a different flavour as well: Vanilla Hazelnut

Then I walked by a nice tea shop, so had to stop in there and ended up with 2 more herbal teas:

Hey! At least I stayed out of the cupcake shoppe!

Today’s run

November 8th, 2009

I have a really bad sense of direction. This was the second week I tried to follow a 10km map from the running room in rosedale. I got lost again, but a different way this time.

In all fairness, I managed to make it through the first two (of three) parts correctly whereas last time I messed up on all three parts. That’s an improvement! So maybe next week I’ll be able to get it right!

Here’s hoping that third time’s a charm!

What to wear!

November 7th, 2009

It’s a funny feeling getting dressed to go out but not to a wedding – it seems like those are the only things I go to lately.

I find getting dressed for a house party way more stressful than getting ready for a black tie wedding.

Time for a shopping trip perhaps?


November 6th, 2009

It’s funny how despite working out very regularly, a new exercise can make me hurt oh so very much.

Today my abs hurt so much that walking hurts. So does breathing. And when I sneezed, tears came to my eyes.

GHD situps, I hate you.

But I will continue to do them until I don’t hurt anymore.

It’s contagious

November 5th, 2009

Today my GPS is a Space Case*

To get to Crossfit I like to use my Garmin. It’s in a new location, and it’s super early in the morning, so it’s going to take a few times of me being taken there by the GPS before I’m ready to drive there on auto pilot.

This morning, however, my GPS decided I was already near the lake (I wasn’t – I was north of Bloor) and when I started driving south east along Rosedale Valley road it had me driving in the Toronto Harbour. In the water. (I should have taken a picture it was kind of funny)

I tried to restart it and click around but it was stubbornly refusing to put my car anywhere but in the blue of Lake Ontario. Big giant #FAIL.

So as you can imagine it wasn’t very helpful getting me to where I needed to go. But funny enough today I found the place without making any wrong turns at all! That was a first!

Maybe my Garmin knew I could do it and was just trying to set me free and watch me fly on my own! Good thing I didn’t get lost 🙂

*Yes, I am a technical person and I realize that my Garmin is a computer and should not be able to catch anything from me. But isn’t that what makes this incredible?

Space Case

November 4th, 2009

Today I am a space case.

I brought 2 small lululemon bags to work: one contains a gift card for a friend, the other my lunch.

I just went to get food from the fridge. Guess which bag was waiting for me?

At least the gift card is nice and cool.

I blame it on the fact that I didn’t exercise before work today in favour of a lunchtime visit to the gym. I think that working out in the morning is the equivalent of drinking a cup of coffee. Hehe.